If you are here, then continue in the pursuit of truth. Here are some resources that will help inform you. Our great nation is under attack from within by an invisible enemy. Please share this page with others. God bless you on your journey, and welcome to the Great Awakening.
What is Q?
Q is the largest military intelligence operation in the history of the world. U.S. Military, General Flynn, and an army of 800 digital soldiers are disseminating top-secret “Q” information in the form of memes, uncovered documents, and videos available for you to view.
- Begin by going to Qmap.pub
- qanon.pub, qagg.news, qanon.news/Q
- Scroll through to view Q-drops
- Do your own research and think for yourself
- Newcomers start with drop #1 and read to #100
*Note: Please view my Q-drop suggestions beside each piece of jewelry on my website.
I have complied a list of Youtube videos to help you begin your Q-Movement journey.
Top Recommended Youtube videos:
Click to view playlist at my Qanon Jewelry Youtube channel:
- Storm Is Upon Us- Joe M, Q-Plan to Save the World.
- Satanism and the Evil World We Live in Right Now. By The Patriot Hour
- Interview With Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein.
- The Epstein Case, Mass Awakening, Justice & Channel Recommendations. By VA Patriot
- The INSTANT Red Pill. By Cosmic Clearance
- Field McConnell- “Treasonous Acts” Operation Classified. By Abel Danger
- The 2nd American Revolution- By Where We Go One We Go All
- Opus 167 Mossad Epstein Connection. By Steve Pieczenik
- Candyce Estave Interview!!! Welcome to the NWO!!! Megele!!! By McAllister TV
- Quiet Storm Brewing We The People- Justice
- Trust the Plan. By Peshee Peshee
- WHO REALLY RUNS THE WORLD? #ThePayseurPill #WhoOwnsTheRosthchilds? #TRUSTStheplan
- Immigration, World Poverty, and Gumballs. By NumbersUSA
- Fall Cabal- #10 THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT. The fall of the Cabal… NESARA / GESARA
- Youtube:
- What is Nesara Gesara? By Weekend Warrior. Apr 20, 2020
- NESARA-PartII- Public Proofs- Mortgage Debt Referral By Surfing Santa Beach Broadcast Mar 31, 2020
- Article:
- Beach Broadcast.com
Top Recommended Youtube channels to subscribe to:
Click to view recommended subscriptions at my Qanon Jewelry Youtube channel:
- Dnajlion7
- The Patriot Hour
- TRUreporting
- Diamond and Silk – The Viewers View
- McAllisterTV
- The High Command
- Amazing Polly
- RedPill78
- KelliAnnHubNews
- Fall Cabal
- Weekend Warrior
- Don’t drink the Kool AID
- Mike Nificent
- Sean Cordicon
- Marc Dice
- Edge of Wonder
- IntheMatrixxx
- Black Conservative Patriot
- The Red Elephants Vincent James
- Craig Mason’s Reasonable Conversation Hour
- Judicial Watch
- Where We Go 1 We Go All
- Kip Simpson
- Terrence K Williams
- prayingmedic
- The Report
- Destroying the Illusion
- Candace Owens
- Dustin Nemos
- SGTreport
- Quite Frankly
- Liberty Hangout
- Millenial Millie
- X22Report
- The Officer Tatum
- Liz Crokin
- JustInformed Talk
- Lori Colley
- Project Veritas
- Mind of Jamal ( The Black Southerner)
- And We Know
- Paul Joseph Watson
- Sarah Westall
- E. Michael Jones
- Corey’s Digs
- Graham Allen
- James Red Pills America
- One America News Network
- Dan Bongino
- In Pursuit of Truth
- Kevin’s Corner
- Jay Meyers Documentaries
- Jesse Lee Peterson
- John Ward
- SpaceShot76
- #WalkAway Campaign
- Quniverse
- Patriot J
- Uber Guy
- Gitmo Channel
- Greg Reese
- Black Pigeon Speaks
- The Real Savage Nation
- The Outer Light
- VA Patriot
- Larry Elder with Epoch Times
- The Kate Awakening
- Truth For Freedom
- Justinian Deception
- The Truth Factory
- Owen Benjamin Big Bear
- Operation Freedom
- The Gunner’s Wife
- James Munder
- ThePatriotNurse
- PragerU
- Steve Motley
- Fiona Barnett
- The Convo Couch
- Blessed To Teach
- Steve Pieczenik
- Patriots’ Soapbox News Network LIVE
- HighImpactVlogs
- LogicBeforeAuthority
- Jane Tande
- Way of the World
- KAG News Network-KNN
- The Iconoclast
- NorthWestLibertyNews
- Allie4Truth
- Stroppy Me
- The Untold Truth
- Rose Hannah
- Tiffany FitzHenry
- Anthony Brian Logan
- Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
These videos/channels have been removed from Youtube, but you can still search for and find them:
- the Golden Area
- Alex Jones (moved to Bitchute)
- The Doctor of Common Sense By ET Williams
- America Radio Live
- Red Ice TV
- FallCabal (moved to Bitchute)
***This list changes weekly. Take a screenshot and share with your family, friends, co-workers, church group, or make a copy and leave it wherever you go this week. This information can help anyone realize how close we were to losing our beloved United States of America. WE ARE THE NEWS NOW.
- Qmap.pub
- Qproofs.com
- theqanonhub.weebly.com
- Vigilantcitizen.com
- Patriots’ Soapbox News Network Live 24/7
- C-vineNewsNetwork- Military Tribunals
- InTheMatrixxx.com (Includes Entire Books to Read)
- Magapill.com- MAGAPILL was created to preserve President Trump’s Legacy by archiving and listing his accomplishments. (Read President Donald J. Trump’s Accomplishments List). It is astounding! (share this with others)
- Twitter account-@realDonaldTrump
- Google: Article; 2100 Caged Children liberated and Saved from Deep State owned Underground Bases in California! -Steempeak
- BREAKING/ John Kasich says McCain was [EXECUTED]. By MAGA PATRIOT
- Article:The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska By John W. DeCamp (BOOK)
- Article:DeCamp-9-11 Inside Job
- http://indybay.org/uploads/decamp4.mp3 (listen to the audiolink)
#WalkAway Campaign
Click to view playlist at my Qanon Jewelry Youtube channel:
- WalkAway – Brandon Straka, “Why I Left the Democrat Party”.
- #WalkAway and walk towards freedom By Redpilled Princess
- #WalkAway Campaign By Jeff Schlagel (Jeff and Tammy Robinson)
- “Please forgive me Trump Supporters?” #WalkAway By #WalkAwayCampaign
Dangers of Microwave Radiation and Radio Frequencies
- Lookoutfa Charlie
- StoptheCrime.net
Click to view playlist at my Qanon Jewelry Youtube channel:
- Everything That is Wrong With Socialism- Alistair Williams Comedian Part 1
- Socialism 2- The Conference lady strikes back- Alistair Williams Comedian
- What a Democrat Socialist convention is like, Socialists of America- Paul Joseph Watson.
Music- YouTube
- Donald Trump Unofficial Campaign Song- The Ballad of Donnie T-By Uncle Sam and the Patriots
- Trump Train- The Deplorables
- Ring Liars- Dennis Goris
- Qanon Anthem- Where We Go One We Go All (Make This Country Great Again) By Steven John
- Snowflake Blues a TrumpTrain Parody of Folsom Prison Blues
- Hillary for Prison 2016- City Bicycle Co., Wilmington, NC
- George W. Bush Sings Hallelujah to Prison Blues Donald Trump! Hilarious!!!
- TAV-Rap with Q-drops
- Tallulah Eightwhistles-memes to music
*CAUTION: These next YouTube videos are NOT intended for children!
- Navy Seals and U.S. Marines Rescue 2,100 Children From California Underground Bases. By Amy Dawson
- Paul Bonacci: THE MURDER-[1985]- GRAPHIC!-! WARNING![![p.4-subtitled] By mikemb123
- Interview with SRA Survivor: Abused by Robert De Niro & John Travolta. By dnajlion7
- Human Capital- Episode 1: Planned Parenthood’s Black market in baby Parts. By The Center for Medical Progress
- Human Capital- Episode 3: Planned Parenthood’s Custom Abortions.- By The Center for Medical Progress
- Disturbing- You won’t believe this “Coincidence”- By Amazing Polly
- Boxes and Bodies- In Pursuit of Truth Presents-9.20.19
- In Pursuit of Truth- Connecting a Crisis 6.10.18
- Live Aborted baby Tissue Used in Pepsi, Doritos, Nestle Chocolate, ETC! OMG By Real World News 24 7 Real News, Progressive News
- Pepsi Says it will Stop Using Dead babies OMG sick MTR By Magic Tech Review
- Carly Fiorina was Right- Abortion No
- Infinite Chan, Impossible Food- In Pursuit of Truth Presents. 9.5